Returning for its 5th season, The Curse of Oak Island continues the search for gold & cash by brothers Rick and Marty Lagina. After many seasons and many promos our challenge was to break the mold of footage driven spots. The lightbulb moment came when History shared authentic archival photos of past generations who had searched the island.

The antique look of the archival photos helped drive our creative exploration as we began to experiment with footage treatments. Black and white proved to be the best solution to convey the history associated with Oak Island and create an air of mystery.

Music proved to play a pivotal role in shaping the overall mood of the teaser. Working with our composer, we initially developed melody-driven tracks that incorporated scratchy, industrial elements inspired by the archival photos. As the spirit of the spot emerged we began stripping away musical elements to create an ambient, creepy soundscape.


Client: HISTORY | Product: Teaser, Promo & Social Media Graphics Toolkit. | Role: Design. Animation. Sound Design.