“Top athletes go to any length to shave off .01 seconds, or to jump 0.5cm higher. They have the passion to do whatever it takes to give 100%. If it means shaving their legs or jumping into a bath with ice cubes, they’ll do it. If it means eating pasta day in day out, or training on Christmas Day, they’ll do it. But to a true performance athlete 100% is never enough. Happily, there’s a simple way to give more than 100%. Just pull on an adidas TECHFIT™ top. adidas TECHFIT™ PowerWEB is scientifically proven to increase your performance. Now, when you give 100%, you get 100.8% – or even 105.3%. When you know you can give 105.3%, you have the confidence to take on the impossible.” – adidas.

Using the athletic abilities of Novak Djokovic, Dwight Howard, Kaka and Tyson Gay, we crafted an intricate journey visualizing the levels of power and speed achieved with the help of Techfit.

The video features statistical/graphical data that is tracked to über-slowmotion shots of the athletes as they perform at their highest, revealing the explosive levels of power associated with such skilled actions. 

A seamless montage of shots intercuts between the four players as they each reach their athletic climax and illustrate the percentage-gain their Techfit apparel provides.


Client: ADIDAS | Product: Commercial | Role: Concept. Design. Animation. Editorial. Grading. Music.